A New Trend - Office Chair Remanufacturing

We found this new trend in the USA for office furniture re-manufacturing to be inspirational! We hope it takes off in Asutralia.
This article is from FacilityExecutive.com
The City of Dallas recently partnered with its seating supplier in a move that saved the city $1 million by refurbishing 25,000 chairs at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD). City staff replaced chair pads and seat backs after attending a three-day training session led by the seating company’s repair team. Normally, the city’s facilities department purchases new chairs when the old ones are worn.
KBHCCD facilities manager, Bonnie Zitek, says doing the repair project in-house not only saved time and money, but it also meant fewer disruptions to clients. “The repairs were done in lots of 5,000 to avoid pulling all of the chairs out of use at the same time,” she explains. ”Our clients never knew the difference and our staff were proud to have a positive impact on the environment.
This refurbishment has been one of the largest on-site rehab projects with which the seating supplier has worked. Said Hussey Seating Company’s marketing manager, Lynette Aucoin, “More arenas should consider refurbishment over replacement. These Clarin chair frames are so well made, they’re practically indestructible.
Zitek agrees, “We’ve been using most of [these] chairs for 20 years, and with this project there’s no reason to think we couldn’t use them for 20 more!”